[row][fblock type=”2″ anim=”bounceInRight” title=”How To Maximize Your Social Security Benefits” icon=”fa-calendar” link=”https://www.google.com/maps/place/3225+4th+St,+Jackson,+MI+49203/@42.2147441,-84.4174132,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x883d24de1daa08ef:0x684fe9d6b684f07″ linkcaption=”Click For Directions”]When
Thursday, October 23rd
Starts At: 7:00PM
Ella Sharp Museum
3225 Fourth St
Jackson, Michigan 49203
We cordially invite you to join us for an informational seminar on how to maximize your social security benefits presented by Nationwide Financial.
Please RSVP by facebook, email, or by contacting us at 517-787-2430[/fblock][/row]